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Network With Indian Entrepreneurs.

EVOLVERS is an initiative taken by a team of seasoned professionals specialized in various fields across the industry, each one having more than two decades of industrial experience or led entrepreneurial ventures.

These professionals are coming together to address long standing needs of the SMEs & Start-ups, Partners, i.e. Investors, Technology or Business Partners etc., Mentors and Experts,by creating a network of seeker and givers to resolve issues faced by each one while promoting mutual interests.

What does EVOLVERS intend to do?

EVOLVERS, is committed to facilitate the mutually beneficial interaction among following Communities: –

  • Challengers (Start-ups / SMEs),
  • Partners (Investors, JV Partners, Technology Partners, Business Partners),
  • Mentors and
  • Experts

EVOLVERS enable members to reach their fulfillment by using the resources in structured way. EVOLVERS facilitate the interaction in following ways:

  • Bringing them together on common digitally enabledplatform;
  • Providing guidance, resources and support;
  • Enabling them to interact with each other;
  • Creating a network of each community;
  • Enriching each community by knowledge sharing;
  • To increase the visibility of members and promoting their activities, i.e. services, products, achievements etc.
  • To provide a platform to share resources;
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